

Grajaú (232m)

Anreisetag: Dauer:

Time Period : 01.01 - 08.01

statistischer Witterungsverlauf

The average weather conditions for Grajaú:
The average daily maximum temperature was between 31°C and 33°C. During nighttime it cooled down to temperatures around 24°C
This analysis is based on data from the past 9 years.

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Nächste Wetterstation - Grajaú Abstand
Barra do Corda 101.1 km
Barra do Corda 104.2 km
Imperatriz 147.0 km
Imperatriz Flughafen 151.6 km
Estreito 155.5 km
Carolina Airport 186.1 km
Carolina 187.0 km
Carolina 187.4 km
Bacabal 193.7 km
Bacabal 194.4 km
Colinas 214.1 km
Araguatins 218.7 km
Urucui 240.0 km
Paragominas 250.8 km
Araguaína 254.0 km
Alto Parnaíba 256.8 km
Caxias 320.3 km
Caxias 321.8 km
Bom Jesus 327.7 km
Turiaçu 327.8 km
Gilbués 328.9 km
Pedro Afonso 329.3 km
Sao Luis/Marechal Airport 329.4 km
Pedro Afonso 329.6 km
São Luís Flughafen 330.2 km
Turiaçu 332.8 km
São Luís 335.3 km
Marabá Flughafen 335.7 km
Tome-acu 345.4 km
Chapadinha 351.4 km
Floriano 357.1 km
Floriano 357.1 km
Maraba 362.6 km
Bragança 371.2 km
Tracuateua (Braganca) 371.5 km
Teresina Airport 375.8 km
São Pedro do Piauí 382.1 km
Conceição do Araguaia Airport 394.1 km
Couto de Magalhães 394.1 km
Castanhal 395.5 km
Belém 417.9 km
Belém Flughafen 422.5 km
Tucuruí Flughafen 426.3 km
Carajas/Parauapebas 429.2 km
Carajas / Maraba 429.6 km
Novo Repartimento 435.9 km
Serra De Carajas 444.9 km
Oeiras 455.4 km
Preguicas 460.2 km
São João do Piauí 479.4 km
São João do Piauí 479.8 km
Pacajá 520.1 km
Remanso 544.9 km
Remanso 545.8 km

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