

Rio Parnaíba

Anreisetag: Dauer:

Time Period : 01.01 - 08.01

statistischer Witterungsverlauf

The average weather conditions for Rio Parnaíba:
The average daily maximum temperature was between 32°C and 35°C. During nighttime it cooled down to temperatures around 24°C
On average wehte ein schwacher Wind der Stärke 3 Bft. This analysis is based on data from the past 20 years.

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Nächste Wetterstation - Rio Parnaíba Abstand
Parnaíba Flughafen 16.7 km
Parnaíba 24.0 km
Preguicas 126.1 km
Sobral 153.9 km
Sobral 156.2 km
Acaraú 169.3 km
Castelo do Piauí 202.8 km
Chapadinha 206.5 km
Crateús 216.5 km
Teresina Airport 222.0 km
Caxias 249.3 km
Caxias 252.1 km
São Pedro do Piauí 276.7 km
Taua 290.6 km
São Luís 292.6 km
Sao Luis/Marechal Airport 294.3 km
São Luís Flughafen 294.5 km
Tauá 299.1 km
Guaramiranga 318.3 km
Quixeramobim 320.9 km
Oeiras 341.8 km
Fortaleza Flughafen 349.3 km
Fortaleza 349.6 km
Floriano 354.0 km
Floriano 354.0 km
Bacabal 370.5 km
Bacabal 371.6 km
Colinas 387.9 km
Iguatu 392.6 km
Morada Nova 407.7 km
Jaguaribe 417.3 km
Turiaçu 432.0 km
Turiaçu 434.0 km
Jaguaruana 454.7 km
Barra do Corda 455.8 km
Barra do Corda 458.4 km
Mossoro/17 Rosado 510.4 km

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