

Serra dos Aimorés (210m)

Anreisetag: Dauer:

Time Period : 01.01 - 08.01

statistischer Witterungsverlauf

The average weather conditions for Serra dos Aimorés:
The average daily maximum temperature was between 30°C and 33°C. During nighttime it cooled down to temperatures around 23°C
On average wehte ein schwacher Wind der Stärke 3 Bft. This analysis is based on data from the past 9 years.

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Nächste Wetterstation - Serra dos Aimorés Abstand
Serra dos Aimorés 1.4 km
Nova Venécia 79.0 km
São Mateus 89.9 km
São Mateus 91.0 km
Caravelas 110.5 km
Mantena 117.6 km
Almenara 145.3 km
Porto Seguro 168.4 km
Abrolhos 173.7 km
Porto Seguro 173.8 km
Belmonte 185.3 km
Pedra Azul 189.3 km
Vitoria/Goiabeiras Airport 211.0 km
Vitória 215.2 km
Itapetinga 215.7 km
Araçuaí 216.3 km
Águas Vermelhas 217.4 km
Capelinha 238.2 km
Alfredo Chaves 247.6 km
Vitoria da Conquist Airport 249.7 km
Vitoria da Conquist Airport 249.7 km
Una 250.3 km
Caratinga 266.2 km
Salinas 266.4 km
Caratinga 270.7 km
Alegre 285.3 km
Vale do Aço Regional Airport 286.2 km
Ilhéus Flughafen 288.1 km
Presidente Kennedy 293.7 km
Ilhéus 294.2 km
Rio Pardo De Minas 298.1 km
Manhuaçu 299.0 km
Timóteo 304.9 km
Guanhães 311.2 km
Ipiaú 314.3 km
Itaperuna 339.5 km
Brumado 341.6 km
Campos dos Goytacazes 352.9 km
Campos dos Goytacazes 355.4 km
Marau 361.5 km
Itiruçu 362.1 km
Muriaé 364.8 km
Cambuci 371.4 km
Espinosa 371.9 km
Diamantina 374.9 km
Diamantina 380.0 km
Viçosa 382.8 km
Valença 400.3 km
Guanambi 407.6 km
Caetité 408.0 km
Montes Claros 412.1 km
Montes Claros Airport 412.1 km
Amargosa 413.5 km
Piatã 424.0 km
Lagoa Santa Flughafen 434.5 km
Belo Horizonte (Confins) 440.5 km
Belo Horizonte Flughafen 445.9 km
Belo Horizonte Flughafen 446.8 km
Pampulha 448.9 km
Carlos Prates Airport 451.9 km
Ouro Branco 452.7 km
Salvador 454.6 km
Ibirité 457.9 km
Curvelo 474.6 km
Mocambinho 474.6 km
Juiz de Fora Flughafen 477.8 km
Barbacena 483.5 km
Barbacena 486.0 km
Florestal 495.0 km
Januária 497.4 km
Pirapora 512.3 km
Bom Jesus da Lapa Airport 514.3 km
São João del-Rei 522.7 km
Montalvânia 539.3 km
Lavras 599.4 km
Correntina 608.2 km

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