

Sao Tome

Anreisetag: Dauer:

Time Period : 01.01 - 08.01

statistischer Witterungsverlauf

The average weather conditions for Sao Tome:
The average daily maximum temperature was between 25°C and 27°C. During nighttime it cooled down to temperatures around 23°C
On average wehte ein schwacher Wind der Stärke 3 Bft. This analysis is based on data from the past 9 years.

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Nächste Wetterstation - Sao Tome Abstand
Sao Tome 0.7 km
Campos dos Goytacazes 39.5 km
Campos dos Goytacazes 42.2 km
Presidente Kennedy 78.3 km
Macaé 89.6 km
Cambuci 107.7 km
Itaperuna 115.9 km
Alegre 117.9 km
Alfredo Chaves 122.5 km
Plataforma P25 Airport 126.3 km
São Pedro da Aldeia Flughafen 133.0 km
Arraial do Cabo 133.7 km
Cabo Frio Flughafen 135.9 km
Cordeiro 146.6 km
Vitória 166.4 km
Muriaé 166.5 km
Vitoria/Goiabeiras Airport 171.9 km
Nova Friburgo 182.8 km
Manhuaçu 193.9 km
Caratinga 222.6 km
Caratinga 226.3 km
Viçosa 227.8 km
Rio de Janeiro Flughafen 246.3 km
IlhaRasa 248.9 km
Xerém 250.9 km
Xerém 250.9 km
Galeão Air Force Base Airport 253.3 km
Juiz de Fora Flughafen 257.0 km
Vale do Aço Regional Airport 266.2 km
Timóteo 269.0 km
Afonsos Air Force Base Airport 269.0 km
Jacarepaguá 269.5 km
Mantena 273.3 km
Rio de Janeiro 275.3 km
Nova Venécia 291.0 km
Valenca 295.7 km
Rio De Janeiro-marambaia 295.9 km
Santa Cruz 306.2 km
Barbacena 309.8 km
Barbacena 311.0 km
São Mateus 311.4 km
São Mateus 312.3 km
Ouro Branco 324.8 km
Guanhães 341.4 km
São João del-Rei 364.3 km
Belo Horizonte Flughafen 364.3 km
Ibirité 368.2 km
Belo Horizonte Flughafen 369.2 km
Pampulha 369.7 km
Carlos Prates Airport 370.8 km
Lagoa Santa Flughafen 371.9 km
Resende 379.4 km
Belo Horizonte (Confins) 380.4 km
Resende 382.1 km
Florestal 413.9 km
Paraty 420.6 km
Diamantina 421.3 km
Diamantina 425.9 km
Passa Quatro 436.4 km
Lavras 444.5 km
Curvelo 464.3 km
Guaratinguetá 466.6 km
Sao Luis Do Paraitinga 495.7 km
Taubaté 504.3 km
Formiga 506.6 km
Taubaté Flughafen 509.1 km
Campos do Jordão 510.2 km
São José dos Campos 544.9 km
Dores do Indaiá 546.3 km
Tres Marias 580.8 km

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